
Quick Wins!

Monday, March 30, 2015

I always seem to have a project in the works, or two, or three... The good news is, I do complete them, but they often take more time than I anticipated. I often run into the issue of things taking more time than anticipated. I suppose I should better manage my expectations for projects :)

I recently heard the term "quick win" at work and it has stuck with me. Basically, a quick win is something we can accomplish right now, or in the near future. Thinking back on my recent home projects/crafts I found that a few of those were indeed quick wins. Umm can I get a #winning?!

Most recently, I was inspired by a episode of HGTV's Fixer Upper to make my own herb planter out of a chicken feeder. Sounds weird right?... well, I like weird. So I set out to to pick up a metal chicken feeder and some herbs. I bought my feeder at Tractor Supply. You can get one too, here.

Before I continue... I should mention that I LOVE a deal. I mean... its like a sweet, sweet victory. So when I saw Home Depot had herb plants 4 for $10, it made my day. Rosemary? Cilantro? Parsley? Chives? DON'T MIND IF I DO!

Ok, back to business. Here's how I made it:

First, take the metal feeder, turn it upside down and drill some holes. This will allow your soil to properly drain.

Next, fill the center and edges of the feeder with soil. Lastly, plant those little herb babies in any pattern that you desire. I plan to hang my planter, so I'm not worried about the ones on the edges hanging over.

VIOLA....all done! QUICK WIN!

<3 Brandy

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